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Antics on the farm

National Poultry Club of Great Britain Show, Lincoln

Thanks to the PCGB for hosting a great event in Lincoln. 6 firsts out of 13 classes entered. Best Marked Mallard Variety, Best Mallard Variety and Best Silver Variety.

This marks the end of this season's showing events for us. Plenty more to come in 2025. Follow the progress on Instagram.

19 October 2024

Kevin Williamson & Stuart Leo

Welsh National Poultry Show, Pembrokeshire

A double whammy this weekend with the Welsh National Poultry Show on the Sunday. Winning Best Marked Mallard Variety with an adult duck and Beat Marked Variety with a young Blue Magpie duck.

6 October 2024

Kevin Williamson

British Call Duck Club Show, Pembrokeshire

Great to see the Club Show running again. A very high standard of entries and a great turnout nationally. Friends have had a very successful day. We managed to get many Best and Reserve of Colour & Best Mallard Variety with a Mallard drake. 36 firsts out of 50 classes entered and highest price in the Auction for the pair of Chocolates. Kevin and Jen Maskell were awarded life time membership to the British Call Duck Club for their dedication and work for the club.

5 October 2024

Stuart Leo & Kevin Williamson

Federation Show, Stafford

Lovely to catch up with so many poultry friends after a long period without any shows due to the Avian Flu. It was another successful day for Champion Call Ducks, winning firsts and seconds for most of the birds we brought with the Mallard drake and the Pied duck winning their sections and being contenders for Best Call.

Looking forward to the British Call Duck Club show in October

22 September 2024

Kevin Williamson

Penistone Show

Had a successful day at Penistone Show today. Won all 4 Call Duck classes and had Best Waterfowl and Reserve Show Champion with a white drake.

Thank you Fiona Wowra and the organisers for such a great event. Congratulations to all the other exhibitors too. Lovely to be back showing poultry again.

14 September 2024

Kevin Williamson