The form of a Call duck differs in many ways to its ancestorial Mallard. Whilst having a petite frame they boast a broad breast, rounded head and short bill. This breed is very sociable, playful and intelligent. Here at Champion Call Ducks our primary goal is to show and exhibit those with the best physical qualities, but they bring so much joy and its really lovely to see them around the garden and smallholding as pets.

This small breed descended from the wild Mallard duck and is believed to have been imported from Asia to the Netherlands in the 1600s. Weighing less than a kilogram, these domesticated ducks were originally bred as ‘decoys’ to lure the larger wild ducks for hunters. In more recent years, the modern Call duck is more an ornamental than a working breed that appears frequently at poultry shows internationally and attracts in excess of 500 entries to the annual British Call Duck Club Show in October.